Monday, February 11, 2008

16. Interaction with Audiences

Our presentation in the exhibition interest many audiences, both the kids and the adults. It was my best moments when people love the boat and asking some interesting questions.

15. Complete the Static Model

This is the 2nd stage Work-in-Process model showing in my home. I'd like to share it with audiences in the exhibition later on. My mom took the picture for me. Is it cool?

14. Painting

Painting, undercoating, and wafer-proof is a trial-error process.

I tried different types of material and learned that some material are too rough, and some other materials are not water resistance. I had to wear away those materials every time until I found a proper material.

13. Undercoating

To have a beautiful and smooth painting, an undercoating is required.

12. Water-proof Process

Water-proof is an important process before painting. All the surfaces, and also the connection edges and holes, have to be filled with water-proof materials.

11. Greasing

The boat requires further greasing and polishing before further coating and painting in the final assembly process.

10. Advisor

Mr. Huang is a master in model boat design. He gave me some important advices when I complete the first model.

9. Inspiration

The Work-in-Process model was showcased in the Exhibition. It inspired many childrens and their parents.

I talked to the audiences about my ideas of the design. There were a lot of questions from the audiences. It is so good to see people love my design.

8. Rudder

Rudder is also a critical part of the boat to control the direction. There is an inlet in the rudder to imbibe water through a rubber pipe to cooling the engine.

7. Molding the Prow

To mold the rigid wood plates into the original surface model is a cumbersome process.

We learned from the air conditioned environment in the exhibition that the wood plates are distorted when the humidity is different. The lesson helped me to solve the problem in molding different plates of the prow together to meet the original design.